Getting Started.

February 03, 2019

Whether your goal is as small as going for a walk around the block or going to the gym for 20 minutes, progress is progress! As long as you are up and moving!l, you are staying active. 

Going to public gyms can be intimidating especially if you are beginning your journey in fitness. One of the ways to avoid thinking this way is to have a mindset that everyone is there to put in WORK!  Most of the time people are too busy worrying about themselves they are less likely to judge you. So fear not!

Also going to the gym with a plan of exercise can help you work out more efficiently and effectively. A lot of basic workouts are available online. For nutrition, I also have some healthy and fun recipes in an e-book available. 

So next time you think the 20 minute stretch or walk on the treadmill won’t make any difference, think again! Because it makes all the difference in the world. 

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